■ Floors
▫ Has all debris been sprayed to the center of the wash?
▫ Are all the large pieces of garbage and debris picked up and thrown away?
■ Walls
▫ Have the walls been scrubbed?
▫ Are there spots needing extra attention?
▫ Are there any broken or damaged panels needing to be replaced?
■ Arches
▫ Have arches been sprayed and scrubbed?
▫ Are there spots needing extra attention?
■ Windows
▫ Are they clean?
▫ Are there any spots that need extra attention?
■ Wraps
▫ Are they free from any debris?
▫ Have they been sprayed down?
▫ Do they have any visible build-up needing extra attention?
▫ Are they free from any oil leaks?
■ Lights
▫ Are the lights cleaned?
▫ Are the lights functioning?
▫ Are there any that need to be re-hung?
■ Blowers
▫ Is there any debris on the blower screens?
▫ Do any screens need to be re-hung?
▫ Are the air gates cleaned and in good condition?
■ Grates
▫ Is all large debris removed?
▫ Are there gaps in the grating needing to be filled?
▫ Are they clean and in good condition?